On the Democratic side, Clinton leads Obama 43 percent to 34 percent, with John Edwards - who is expected to drop out today – at 14 percent. Clinton’s lead is down 17 points since Jan. 24. Again, if past history provides any clue, polling during the campaign in some states indicated that Obama was the second choice of many Edwards supporters.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Clinton's Lead Erodes, Obama Pulls More Edwards Support
On the Democratic side, Clinton leads Obama 43 percent to 34 percent, with John Edwards - who is expected to drop out today – at 14 percent. Clinton’s lead is down 17 points since Jan. 24. Again, if past history provides any clue, polling during the campaign in some states indicated that Obama was the second choice of many Edwards supporters.
Owners Ditch Pets After Home Foreclosures
Animals are the newest mortgage victims as owners leave pets behind.
MBIA posts $2.3 billion loss (Reuters)
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Al Gore, Your Country Needs You...Endorse Barack Obama. Now!
It's time. Now. Before February 5th. If you wait, it'll be too late. You've won the popular vote, an Oscar and a Nobel Prize, and now it's time for you to give something back
Wall Street Journal Friends Facebook
WSJ.com lets viewers see what stories their Facebook friends like.
Interview with Romney, reporter decides who to vote for
This reporter has had enough with the lies of Candidate, and decides after an interview in which Romney laughed at his opponents just who to vote for.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Who are the traitors that voted in favor of REAL ID?
House Resolution 1268 contained the appropriations for REAL ID. Here is the official vote in the senate. Please contact your Senator expressing your disgust.
Obama's win not, I repeat, not, about race
Exit poll nuggets from the Atlantic illuminating the fact that racists are a dying breed...literally.
Tiki Bar's Johnny Johnny (Kevin Gamble) Saves Woman's Life
Today Kevin Gamble, also known as Tiki Bar TV's "Johnny Johnny," in an incredible act of heroism, saved a woman from an oncoming train in a New York subway. "The train is about 60 seconds away, so I immediately leap over the edge...So I haul her up on my shoulder, at which point she comes too, and I quickly get her back to the edge..."
Monday, January 28, 2008
The town that measures life in 15-second intervals
Life here is measured in intervals of 15 seconds. It is how long the people of Sderot have between the sounding of the sirens and the inevitable explosion.Hardly anyone walks outdoors unless they have to. There is fear in Sderot - fear of Hamas' rockets and fear for the psychological damage to the next generation. Reality check, Sderot 2008.
Ever Steal From a Hotel? Give it Back
D.C.'s Mayflower Hotel asks guests to retun pilfered items, promises amnesty.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Desperately seeking Osama
The chappy from 'Super Size Me' has a new project. Last time he took it to McDonalds, this time he's looking for Bin Laden
CFO Allegedly Loved 'Em, Left 'Em w/STDs
Women say former WellPoint CFO spread STDs, pressured one for an abortion.
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Mortgage analysis firm to cooperate in NY probe (Reuters)
Reuters - Mortgage loan analysis company
Clayton Holdings Inc , in an agreement with New York's
attorney general, said on Saturday it would detail how Wall
Street firms disregarded its warnings about the quality of home
loans later sold to investors.
Why the Cult of Scientology Needs to be Abolished
A former member of the Cult of Scientology describes some of the insanity she endured beginning at the age of six.
Victoria's Secret, Super Bowl Resume Affair
Lingerie chain to run ads during Super Bowl for first time since '99.
Friday, January 25, 2008
Rate Cut Puts Whiff Of Refi In The Air (Investor's Business Daily)
Investor's Business Daily - Even before Tuesday's 0.75% slash in the federal funds rate by the Federal Reserve, mortgage rates had been sliding. Last week's cut pulled down home loan rates more.
CEO Allegedly Loved 'Em, Left 'Em w/STDs
Women say former WellPoint CEO spread STDs, pressured one for an abortion.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Ford Offers Buyouts to 54,000 Workers
Automaker plans to replace those leaving with lower-paid workers.
Central Bankers Now Admit that Inflation is a HUGE Concern
The Fed’s move, which reflected a dire view of the state of the American economy, raised pressure on the European bank to concede that the slowdown an ocean away would drag down Europe, where the major countries are expected to show slightly softer economic growth after two years of robust performance.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
What the Fed's big rate cut means to you
If you’ve been investing for a while, you’ve lived through the '87 crash and the tech-stock collapse , but that doesn’t make this year’s plunge easy to stomach. So, what’s it mean to you ?
Israel launches advanced satellite into space This Morning
Israeli space program marks another successful launch, as TECSAR joins other Israeli intelligence, observation and commercial satellites hovering in orbit. The satellite – TECSAR – is a commercial intelligence satellite, designed for collecting intelligence and footage from space. The 772lbs satellite was sent into orbit atop an Indian missile.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Senator Edwards, We Need You To Lead
"John Edwards should challenge his rivals Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton to go back to Washington, DC and fight against retroactive immunity for the telecoms.Glenn Greenwald:'It will be increasingly difficult to listen to Edwards, Obama and Clinton tout their supreme leadership attributes and their commitment to' changing the Washington[...]"
Protecting investments from steep stock slides
Monday, January 21, 2008
Fox gives "fair and balanced" interview with Ron Paul.
Excellent interview with Ron Paul. Jan 18/08. First story about this video has vanished so i figured we should just put it up again.
Watchdog: Congress causes biggest tax problem
End-of-year congressional votes to change the tax code have created havoc for the Internal Revenue Service and top the list of problems bedeviling taxpayers, according to an annual report released Wednesday.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
How noble are the motives behind awarding of the Nobel Prize
The dance around the golden Nobel medallion began over a 100 years ago, and is still going strong. As icon, myth and ritual, the Nobel Prize is well secured. But what do we actually know about the Nobel Prize?
Getting Us Out Of Iraq Can Get Us Out Of The Recession
How much money would we save and what could we do with it. Compelling set of facts.
Which businesses hold up well in a recession?
A reader wonders which businesses do well when the economy heads south.? The Answer Desk, by msnbc.com’s John W. Schoen.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Wall St. drops as Bush rescue plan disappoints (Reuters)
Who’s Really Sick? Tell Us
George W. Bush thinks that making us all use emergency rooms is the solution to our health care crisis. We beg to differ.
Bush Destroys American Credibility by Dismissing NIE Report
President George W. Bush hasn't accomplished much on his voyage to the Middle East, but he did take the time to inflict another wound on the entire U.S. intelligence community—and on the credibility of anything he might ever again say about the world because he "all but disowned" the agencies' Dec. 3 NIE on Iran.
Friday, January 18, 2008
How Religion's Stranglehold on America Harms Democracy
American politicians have regularly wielded religious language and symbolism in their moments of need, and such faith talk has always helped provide a sense of moral certainty in a shape-shifting world. But candidates used religion mostly as an adjunct to the real meat of the political process, a tool to whip up support for policies.
Fed Chief Testifies as Economy Teeters
Ben Bernanke hints he is open to a stimulus package to avert recession.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
MPP doubles GOP medical marijuana offer to $20k
LAS VEGAS, NEVADA -- Days before the first presidential caucuses in a medical marijuana state, the Marijuana Policy Project today doubled its offer to presidential candidates Rudy Giuliani, John McCain and Mitt Romney to back up their statements opposing medical marijuana with scientific evidence. This brings the offer total up to $20,000!
Glenn Beck: FDR 'was one evil son of a b*tch.'
Today on his CNN Headline News show, Glenn Beck went on a rant against former President Franklin D. Roosevelt, blaming him for making the Great Depression "go on and on and on for a decade." He then said, "I love my grandfather, but I just want to slap himself across the face for liking FDR. I think that was one evil son of a bitch."
Michigan's Ominous Message for Hillary Clinton
Analysis of Hillary's inability to convincingly win a state where she had no opposition.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Porn on Blu-ray: Did Sony Sell Out?
There have been reports that Sony relaxed its position on Blu-ray porn. Sony never banned adult content on Blu-ray, but they weren't going out of their way to facilitate it, why would they?
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Even Republicans Agree Rush Limbaugh Is Obsolete
Particularly when it comes to his head-in-the-sand stance on global warming, Rush Limbaugh is part of an old, tired machine that even conservatives are growing tired of.
Planning for Your Company's Future
Ensure that your company is headed in the right direction with these few steps.
Are we already in a recession?
Economists debate whether the economy may be headed for recession, but many readers believe we are already in one.? The Answer Desk, by msnbc.com’s John W. Schoen.
Monday, January 14, 2008
New Challenge For Republicans: Voters Focus On Weak Economy (Investor's Business Daily)
Investor's Business Daily - First, Hillary Clinton unveiled a $70 billion plan to stimulate the economy. Barack Obama followed with a $75 billion proposal. Neither can match the $100 billion in emergency government aid that John Edwards wants to dispense.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Late payments on consumer loans climb
Late payments on consumer loans, including those for autos, home improvement and certain home equity loans, have hit their highest point since the last U.S. recession.
71 People Arrested at Supreme Court
More than 70 people were arrested at the Supreme Court Friday in a protest calling for the shutdown of the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
NH okays Kucinich recount. Kucinch has to pay,
The New Hampshire secretary of state will conduct hand recounts of Tuesday's Democratic and Republican primaries, reported Manchester, N.H., TV station WMUR. But Kucinich has to pay for it.
Bank of America to buy Countrywide for $4 billion (Reuters)
Reuters - Bank of America Corp said on Friday it
would buy mortgage lender Countrywide Financial Corp for $4
billion in a move that could avert one of the biggest collapses
in the U.S. housing crisis.
Friday, January 11, 2008
10 Tips: Fix credit-report errors
Voices on Recording May Not Have Been From Iranian Speedboat
Just two days after the U.S. Navy released the eerie video of Iranian speedboats swarming around American warships, which featured a chilling threat in English, the Navy is saying that the voice on the tape could have come from the shore or from another ship.
10 Tips front page
Although Uncle Sam might not usually be included in your holiday plans, wrapping up a few simple financial tasks before the end of the year can help carry the joy of the season all the way through April 15. ?Financial Editor Jean Chatzky shares practical advice on how to prepare your accounts for the new year.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Gov't seen to favor Countrywide buyout (AP)
Top 20 Internet Millionaires Under 30
Do you know that the internet is the greatest monetary equalizer? You don’t have to be an old tech savvy, computer geek, SEO specialist, first-world-straight-As genius just to be rich online. As long as you have a reliable computer, internet connection and a brilliant idea; even young kids can retire young and rich!
Late Nite FDL: Why Were The Polls So Wrong?
Why were all the New Hampshire polls so utterly wrong? How did Clinton overcome such a huge deficit in the polls in one day? Women still went for Obama but Hillary took Edwards' women away. Discuss.
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Iraqi Soldier Who Killed U.S. Troops is a Hero in Iraq
The story of an Iraqi soldier defending a pregnant woman against U.S. troops is front page news in Iraq. "Kaissar is a professional soldier who revolted against the Americans when they dragged a woman by her hair in a brutal way... He is a tribal man, and an Arab with honor who would not accept such behavior. He killed his captain and sergeant..."
Study: Airport Screening Process Pointless
All the security restrictions don't make flying any safer, a study finds.
Take that New Year’s resolution to the bank
Want to save money or boost your earnings in the coming year? TODAY Financial editor Jean Chatzky shares tips on how to get your finances into shape for 2008.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Clinton Lies About Obama Abortion Record
Lying is a sure sign of desparation on the part of the Hillary Clinton campaign. To attempt to mislead voters that he's not supporting abortion is totally wrong and dangerous to boot. During his eight years in the legislature, Obama cast a number of votes in support of abortion; has a 100 percent rating from the Illinois Planned Parenthood Council.
Bear Stearns may become takeover target amid unrest (Reuters)
Study: Finances bigger concern than health
After record mortgage foreclosures and slumping home prices, Americans are more determined to shape up their flabby finances in 2008 than their bodies, according to a study.
Monday, January 7, 2008
Your money is no good at the Taj Mahal
In yet another troubling sign for the greenback, at least one of the seven wonders of the world is now off limits if you have only U.S. currency in your pocket.
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Fixed-income investing beyond the bank
Interest rates are down and may go down more. That’s not so hot if you want to buy bonds or put money in the bank. So where’s the best place to put your fixed-income holdings?
Saturday, January 5, 2008
Kucinich calling for protest at tonight's NH debate
Calling ALL Kucinich supporters -PROTEST OUTSIDE THE DEBATE TONIGHT 8PM.Stand up for Democracy! Do not let this corporate decision to exclude a candidate of the people pass by without voicing your dissent!Saint Anselm College - DANA CENTER100 Saint Anselm DriveManchester New Hampshire 03102 8:00 PM
IRS may restrict tax-refund loans
Friday, January 4, 2008
Forget Weather, Airlines Cause Own Delays
Pilot shortages, long refuelings and mechanical breakdowns are root of delays.
CBS & CNN obtain secret dossier on Pakistani vote-rigging
At the time she was assassinated, Pakistani opposition leader Benezir Bhutto was just hours away from meeting with two US lawmakers to hand them a dossier alleging that Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence agency (ISI) was plotting with its Election Commission to rig the upcoming elections.
Oil eases as investors cash in on $100 rally (Reuters)
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Smart ways to trim your year-end tax bill
Although Uncle Sam might not usually be included in your holiday plans, wrapping up a few simple financial tasks before the end of the year can help carry the joy of the season all the way through April 15. ?Financial Editor Jean Chatzky shares practical advice on how to prepare your accounts for the new year.
2007: Safest Year to Fly Since 1963
Last year saw the least number of accidents in decades; 965 people died.
Huckabee: Supportive Bloggers Are ‘Doing The Lord's Work'
Calling them his “secret weapon,” former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee urged bloggers to “clog” up the wireless system in Des Moines so that reporters couldn’t file any more “bad” stories about him. He added that by blocking the free press from doing their jobs, bloggers were “doing the Lord’s work."
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Huckabee Has Anti-War Protesters Arrested
Police respond, arrest, and jail anti-war protesters at Mike Huckabee's Iowa campaign headquarters.
Homeland Insecurity
The Homeland Security Dept.'s over reliance on outside contractors and insufficient management of them could leave the U.S. vulnerable
Can You Recognize a Terrorist? (PIC)
"It's always been about semantics. History is written by the victors... and terrorists are only terrorists if they're against you! If the tables were turned and the USA were fighting an Iraqi invasion of our homeland, we'd be awarded medals for using the same tactics that Iraqis are using against US troops."
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
A History Of New York In The 00's So Far
What happened to New York? A condensed review of each day's Metro section of the "New York Times" since mid-2000.
U.S. is now an "endemic surveillance society"
America now joins Russia, the U.K., and China as one of the world's endemic surveillance societies. Still think Orwellian comparisons are hyperbole?
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